Article I: Name, Organization, and Purpose
Section 1: The name of this organization is the Georgia Chapter of the Hutchinson Bell, Inc.
Section 2: The Georgia Chapter of the Hutchinson Bell, Inc. is registered as a non-profit organization with the State of Georgia, and has filed Articles of Affiliation with the national Hutchinson Bell. Under the Hutchinson Bell’s group exemption grants 501(c)3 status to the Georgia Chapter.
Section 3: The purpose of the Georgia Chapter of the Hutchinson Bell is dedicated to the promotion of continual loyalty and support to Florida College, as well as to maintain a spirit of mutual encouragement and helpfulness among members of the Hutchinson Bell.
Further, the Georgia Chapter is dedicated to encouraging prospective students to attend the FC Georgia camp, and Florida College. The Georgia Chapter will use fundraising opportunities to provide financial scholarships to enable the students to attend camp and the college.
The Georgia Chapter will provide opportunities for fun and fellowship, in keeping with the mission of Florida College and the Hutchinson Bell.
Article II: Leadership
Section 1: The Georgia Chapter of the Hutchinson Bell, Inc. shall be governed by at least three (3) directors to be determined by the group, under the general supervision and control of the designated officers of the Hutchinson Bell, Inc.
Section 2: The name and total number of officer positions will be determined as the group requires, changeable as circumstances necessitate.
Section 3: Directors shall be elected annually by nomination and a majority vote of at least a quorum of the organization.
Section 4: Directors shall set Goals and Objectives for the Booster Club each year.
Section 5: Directors shall implement social activities and fundraising activities throughout the year with the goal of providing financial assistance to Georgia Chapter students who wish to attend Florida College.
Section 6: Directors shall set criteria by which the scholarships shall be awarded. Changes to scholarship eligibility criteria shall be proposed before the membership achieve ratification by majority vote before implementation. Dates for scholarship submission shall be determined by the board, and my change due to necessity.
Section 7: Directors shall set an agenda and facilitate each meeting, per Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article III: Financial Transparency
Section 1: The Georgia Chapter shall maintain adequate books and records, detailing all sources of receipts and expenditures for their chapter and shall, upon request, make such financial statements available to the Hutchinson Bell, Inc.
Section 2: Funds collected by and belonging to the Georgia Chapter shall be kept in a designated bank account, which shall not be connected to the personal accounts of any of the Directors. The Directors shall all have access to account details. The Treasurer shall provide information about current account status to the Board upon request.
Article IV: Membership & Meetings
Section 1: Membership in the Georgia Chapter is maintained through membership in the National Hutchinson Bell. Members may select individual, family, or lifetime membership levels. Members shall indicate their affiliation with the Georgia Chapter.
Section 2: At least one meeting of the collective membership shall be held annually. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be scheduled regularly, as necessary to conduct business on behalf of the membership. Minutes of all meetings will be kept by the Secretary, and shall be provided to members, upon request.
Article V: Committees
Section 1: Committees shall be formed to help facilitate member engagement, and to further the goals of the Georgia Chapter. Committee membership is voluntary. Committee chairs will be appointed by the Directors.
Section 2: All committees shall consult with the Board to confirm budget and details of any proposed expense on behalf of the club prior to the expenditure.
Article VI: Scholarships
Section 1: The Scholarship Committee shall be comprised of three (3) Georgia Chapter members, nominated and elected by the membership annually.
Section 2: Scholarship Committee members shall not be related to any students being considered for a scholarship award.
Section 3: To be eligible for a scholarship, the student’s family must be a member of the Georgia Chapter prior to the application.
Section 4: Scholarships will be awarded based on criteria as determined by the Board. To be considered for a scholarship, the student must:
Apply by the due date stipulated by the Board
Submit an approximately 300-word essay on why they wish to attend Florida College
Submit two letters of character recommendation
Be admitted to Florida College
Section 5: Returning students shall only be required to submit a 300-word essay on what the Florida College experience has meant to them.
Section 6: Scholarship goals will be set by the Board annually. The exact amount of scholarships awarded will be determined by the board, dependent on the funds available, the number of students applying, and the overall goals of the Chapter. Preference will be given to Freshmen.
Section 7: Out-of-state Georgia campers may apply for a scholarship. Applicants must meet the same criteria as Georgia scholars. Scholarships will be awarded from, and determined by, camp profits.
Article VII: Georgia Camp
Section 1: The Florida College Georgia Camp is to be a primary function of the Georgia Chapter. As camps are the most effective recruiting tool for Florida College, the Georgia Chapter will work with Camp Directors to support the ongoing health and well-being of the camp program.
Section 2: Camp Directors shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.
Section 3: The Georgia Camp program shall be evaluated by the Board of Directors on an ongoing basis to ensure that camp is functioning per the goals of Florida College.
Section 4: The Georgia Camp shall deposit profits, to be determined by the Camp Directors, into the designated bank account of the Georgia Chapter.
Article VIII: High School Banquet
Section 1: High school students in grades 9 through 12 will be invited.
Section 2: The budget for the banquet will be set annually by the Board of Directors.
Section 3: The Senior Gift will be a $25 gift card to the Florida College Bookstore. The gift cards will be given to seniors attending the banquet.
Section 4: The banquet will include time set aside to promote the benefits of Florida College. Promotional videos will be obtained from the Florida College Development Office.
Article IX: Florida College Falcon Days
Section 1: The Georgia Chapter shall promote the Falcon Days dates scheduled by Florida College.
Section 2: The Georgia Chapter shall encourage attendance by arranging rides and other supportive measures, as deemed desirable by the Board.
Section 3: The Georgia Chapter shall encourage at least one parent to attend Falcon Days with their junior or senior student, to meet with admissions and discuss scholarship opportunities.
Article X: Amendments
Section 1: Amendments to these bylaws shall be presented to the membership at the Annual Meeting or another such meeting organized for this purpose. Amendments will be ratified by majority vote.
Section 2: Amended bylaws shall be filed with the Secretary of State, as required under Georgia law.